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9 Aug 2024

NZSki’s remarkable sustainability mission supported by BraveTrace

NZSki, which operates Mt Hutt, Coronet Peak and The Remarkables, is on a mission to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, starting with an impressive 50% reduction in emissions in 2023. This year, the goal is an additional 5% reduction, aiming for a 55% overall decrease in carbon emissions.

Our commitment to sustainability is guided by kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga, acknowledging our responsibility to protect and respect our environment” says James McKenzie, Mt Hutt Ski Area Manager. NZSki’s primary greenhouse gas emissions come from diesel fuel – for grooming and transport – and from electricity, totaling around 3,000 tonnes annually (Scope 1 and 2).

To address their Scope 2 electricity emissions (currently reported as over 1,000 tonnes per annum), NZSki purchases Meridian Energy South Island hydroelectricity certified by BraveTrace. In conjunction with their emission reduction programs, using BraveTrace energy certificates means they can report their market-based Scope 2 emissions as zero, as per the GHG Protocol’s Scope 2 Guidance.

Energy efficiency is also a key priority, with a focus on reducing usage across operations. Some initiatives include:

  • Their buses, which offset 50-60 cars per day, align with the POW and TIA objectives with a newer, more efficient fleet that encourages the use of public transport. A bus transport subsidy for guests visiting Mt Hutt from Christchurch (50%) has resulted in a 3x-fold increase in guests taking the bus.
  • Coronet Peak’s snow making system uses 95% recycled water sourced from high-altitude water storage reservoirs, making it 20% more energy-efficient.
  • The introduction of five new hybrid vehicles, which will see a 25% reduction in fuel usage per vehicle.
  • This year, they have introduced their own Transport Vehicle Usage app which logs distance travelled and records passengers in vehicles – this will help NZSki to understand and potentially reduce the number of vehicles and/or trips up and down their mountain. Not to mention their carpool priority parking system that is eliminating up to 10 tonnes of CO2e emissions at each mountain for each day it is operating.

Learn more about NZSki’s intiatives here.