Choosing to purchase certified renewable energy is the best way to support its production.
Tracing the attributes of your energy purchase back to the source enables you to make sure it is matched with renewable generation. At the same time, it helps you to achieve your carbon reduction targets and shows customers you are committed to environmental sustainability.
Check out some of the organisations already in the BraveTrace Network here.
Discover the benefits of our energy certificates
Hundreds of prominent corporate energy users in Aotearoa use New Zealand Energy Certificates (NZ-ECs) from BraveTrace. Here are some of the reasons why:
Reduce your reportable emissions.
NZ-ECs enable you to confidently reduce your energy associated emissions in accordance with leading international greenhouse gas accounting standards (GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance & ISO 14064-1:2018). NZ-ECs secure traceability and prevent double-counting.
Support New Zealand's renewable future.
Choosing to consume renewable energy is the best way to support its production. By choosing which type of renewable energy you want to support (e.g. hydro, solar, wind) and tracing that renewable energy with BraveTrace, you send a clear signal to generators, market regulators and stakeholders that fossil-fuels are not the future.
Reduce your climate-related risks.
As we transition to a low carbon economy, securing zero carbon electricity helps to mitigate financial risks that may arise from government policies, climate-related disclosures, banking regulations, consumer shifting preferences and other volatile environmental factors.
Stand out as a leader in the climate space.
Lead by example and help drive the change you want to see in the world. NZ-ECs are recognised and accepted by global partners such as CDP, SBTi, RE100, BCorp and Climate Impact Partners.

NZ Owned and Operated


Standards Based

User Focused