BraveTrace energy certificates generate extra revenue for renewable producers
Becoming a Registrant with BraveTrace enables you to make the most out of the clean green energy you are producing by ensuring its value in the market is fully recognised.
How does this work in practice? By registering with BraveTrace as a ‘Registrant’, it enables our system to track the renewable attributes of the energy you produce, so they can be traded in the form of certificates. Energy users pay a premium to claim those renewable attributes and that additional revenue goes directly to you, the renewable generator, to support the deployment of more renewable energy and other decarbonisation projects right here in Aoteaora.
By joining the fast growing BraveTrace Network as a Registrant, you will:
Get additional revenue
Support your renewable projects to get off the ground
Develop new renewable energy production
Grow and maintain your existing projects
Make a meaningful and measurable contribution towards the energy transition
Ring fence the use of your NZ-ECs extra revenue towards carbon reduction projects
Ensure projects create additional benefits, sooner or only thanks to NZ-ECs funding
Realise the value of your generation’s renewable attributes
Offer an added value service increasingly demanded by energy users
Gain a competitive advantage by providing a third-party verified tracking service
Leverage a flexible solution that suits your electricity sales, whether spot or PPAs
Grow your exposure
Your details will be added to the BraveTrace Network webpage
Your registration will be announced in BraveTrace promotional material
We can support you in making contacts within the BraveTrace Network
Contribute to the 'Residual Supply Mix' critical role
Support accurate calculations of GHG emissions resulting from electricity use
Avoid double counting and double claiming risks
Incentivise others to take action and address their carbon emissions.

There is a growing market for BraveTrace energy certificates in Aotearoa
BraveTrace NZ-ECs are the most widely used green product across the country:
More than 360 active energy users
Over 50 generation assets registered to date
41% increase in volume transacted compared to last year.
Why energy users are motivated to use BraveTrace energy certificates
Energy users want to purchase renewable energy to reduce their carbon emissions and support New Zealand’s energy transition.
For electricity, the laws of physics mean that all electrons are mixed in the national grid, so electricity retailers can’t guarantee the electricity they are providing is 100% renewable. This is where BraveTrace comes in.
BraveTrace makes it possible for energy users to choose and support different types of energy through renewable energy certificates, known here in New Zealand as NZ-ECs.
The growing demand for BraveTrace’s NZ-ECs is driven by the fact that energy users can:
- Claim with confidence that every MWh of certified electricity they consume is matched with a MWh produced from a verified renewable generator and support New Zealand’s renewable transition
- Reduce their reportable Scope 2 GHG emissions to zero in compliance with international accounting standards, and
- Accelerate the renewable transition with considerable choice, e.g., choosing the type of renewable fuel they want to support, opting for a generator that is closer to their operations, maximising the impact of their PPA, etc.
- Incentivise the uptake of renewable energy through contributing to intensification of the Residual Supply Factor (RSF) – to learn more about this, check out the Residual Supply Mix