News, Updates And Celebration: NZECS Highlights Of 2023!

21 Dec 2023

Certified Energy celebrates a year marked by strong activity and growth! During 2023, over 120 additional energy users registered on the NZECS. These energy users represent a diverse spectrum of enterprises, from small businesses to large corporates coming from a widespread array of industries, domestic and international.

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Certified Energy News: April/May 2022

9 May 2022

In this issue: We discuss the importance of voluntary ambition, the role of Power Purchase Agreements in supporting renewable energy, seek your feedback on the monthly Residual Supply Mix, announce increasing levels of participation on the NZECS, and outline the process we will follow to close out the 2021/22 Production Year.

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The role of Power Purchase Agreements in New Zealand

6 May 2022

There is considerable new interest in the development of renewable electricity generation in New Zealand, including solar, wind and geothermal generation. There is also renewed interest in demand response and the use of battery storage to manage the variable nature of increasing levels of solar and wind generation.

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